In the Media
- Reform Flawed Child Support Guidelines Pushing Men To The Brink – Karen Selick, HuffPost, March 30, 2017. “I practised family law from 1985 to 2009 and was never so relieved in my life as when I finally stopped. From that vantage point, there were things that I was easily able to predict. One of them was that some men would be driven to suicide by the burdens the law thrust upon them.”
- B.C. man pleads for family court reform in suicide note – Christie Blatchford, National Post, March 28, 2017
- Another tale of ‘justice’ from family court – Christie Blatchford, National Post, March 23, 2017
- Getting to the root of Ontario’s family law mess – Christie Blatchford, National Post, March 21, 2017
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